
Fundraising for Parsha Pairs Card Game

Fundraising for Parsha Pairs Card Game




3 Torah Card Games in 1!

War       Old Paroh (Maid)        Matching!

Join us in “Bringing Torah to Life” by contributing towards this project. All contributions of $18 or more will get a copy of the game once it is available!

Your sponsorship will go towards Editing and Proofing, Printing and Packaging, Marketing and Outreach, Sales and Distribution. 

Sponsorship Opportunities and Levels (please email us for donations over $180)

Full Game Sponsorship: $1,800
Name can be on the box as the “______ edition”

Dedications of $180 or more can include a dedication on the “About the Game Card”

Together, we can make the Parsha Pairs game a reality, bringing great mastery and love of learning the Parshiot HaTorah to children, adults and families all over the Jewish world!


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